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A right leaning power outage?

I get a little tired of the media outlets trying to politicize everything to make it ‘left’ or ‘right’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’…

It is all manufactured drama that doesn’t do me much good.

That’s why I hesitate to share this article because there seems to be an attempt to tell a story with a narrative and I always feel suspicious when I see these it.

That said, if we strip out the political talking and look at some of the ‘facts’ that are in the article (if the facts are actually facts…) then we might be able to see something that helps us view our homes and preparedness in a more rational way…

Reluctantly (due to the narrative-iz-ation in the article) I present:

“How the US power grid is a target for far-right groups”

I watched the Dark Knight and learned from Alfred that “Some men just want to watch the world burn”…

That’s a super hero movie, so overly dramatic, but- there’s some truth to it.

Especially in recent times where there seems to be no shortage of selective outrage.

It really doesn’t matter the political, criminal, emotional, whatever agendas someone has for trying to target the power grid- it just matters that it not only happens, but that it seems to be on the rise as well.

According to the article:

There were about 170 instances of attacks, vandalism or suspicious activity around US power installations in 2022, a rise from about 100 the previous year, according to Department of Energy records.”

If that is true to the facts and not distorted, what does that mean for homeowners?

It’s just another bit of information that needs to be added to the equation each one of us uses to evaluate what we need to do with regards to preparation in the event of an extended power outage.

Politics aside, stability at home with capacity to heat and cool the house, boil water, cook food, maintain frozen and refrigerated perishables, etc. is pretty important to me… how about for you?

Turns out getting a solar power system for the home can help with that. It doesn’t need to have a battery, either…

As long as the system has a disconnect from the power grid, it can be operated during the daylight/production hours independently from the grid.

Power for a few hours per day during an extended power outage would make a huge difference in the quality of life.

Adding a battery would be expensive, but it would also extend the availability of power through non-productive hours (darkness)- probably much better experience but not entirely necessary…

If you are thinking about getting a solar power system for your home or business, I think my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar will be a big help. It is designed to be read BEFORE a homeowner speaks to the solar sales folks so they are ready to deal with all of the possible ways they can ‘pull a fast one’…

Click here to get on the notification list for Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar

Be Good!



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