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And I Thought FOX and CNN Were Bad...

I try to stay out of it.

In fact, I gave up ‘mainstream’ news more than a decade ago.

Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc. are all ‘news’ services I don’t use.
I am so serious about it, I don’t even watch television.
(and yes, I hate all of them both left and right)

Despite my best efforts to insulate my life from the unnecessary manufactured dramas cleverly crafted and distributed by the above- it still makes its way into my life.
Intruding like a door to door salesman knocking on my door- demanding I stop what I am doing so they can ‘ask me a few questions’.

Just so I am clear on the subject- I see and kind of admire what those ‘news’ programs are doing. There is good money in being polarizing and playing to your core audience. As a bit of a student in the marketing and sales world, I see what they are doing it makes every bit of sense. It creates frothing-at-the-mouth fanatical views which keeps them coming back for more.

But that knowledge only makes me double down on my stance- not allowed into my life… I don’t need any extra drama in my life than I already have, and most certainly- not the manufactured variety designed to make me angry enough to argue with even family and friends if they venture a non-narrative-aligned opinion here or there.
In and amongst the things that make their way into my life was an advertisement for “The Epoch Times”.
That particular ad claimed that this was supposedly not a ‘slanted’ news outfit.
It was intriguing, but I never went to look because I simply didn’t trust any of it.

But then other day, I was sent an ‘article’ that turned out to be distributed (or at least published on the website of) The Epoch Times.
The title of the article captured my attention a little and when I saw where it was posted I thought I’d take a look.

I should have known better.

If I took Fox and CNN, bred them, and then exposed their offspring to Incredible Hulk creating gamma radiation…
I’d probably come up with what I saw there.

Whatever the farthest one could get in the ‘global warming is a problem’ spectrum, this article is a polar opposite- complete with conspiracy, innuendo, misleading claims, and hyper critical language.

The article?


Sure- there’s actually some points in there that might be partially valid…
But how can we parse those out amongst the bah-oh-ney?

At the end of the day, to me, going solar has nothing to do with the ‘global warming’ argument.

-Going solar and raising the number of distributed power generating plants is good for the grid reliability.
-Going solar and opening up access to another energy source adds to the ‘supply’ side of the energy markets- and (usually) more supply means less cost.
-Going solar opens the door for homeowners to have a bit of independence from their assigned monopoly (utility) company.
-Going EV or plug in hybrid and charging with solar power can reduce not only overall carbon dioxide emissions for a family but also reduce exposure to the rising prices of gas.

And on and on.
Nothing politically or otherwise attached to ‘global warming’…

If you are looking to get rooftop solar for your home, I am nearing release of my book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- aimed at showing folks the inside info on solar before they start talking to solar companies.

Click here to get notified when I release Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar.  

Be Good!


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