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"How energy is used in the US economy, explained"

There’s a lot going on in the US economy regarding energy. From where it is sourced, how it is transported, refined, converted, delivered, consumed- there is a lot of data.

And until now, there’s been no single place to try to visualize all of it together to get a bigger picture of what is going on.

Turns out the energy crisis stuff in the 70’s triggered some executive orders and congressional action that ultimately provided for the collection of a huge amount of data on energy in the US.

Data from the Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency has been accumulating since.

What that data shows is incredible. To cool for me to cover in an email but great enough for me to just give the link and let you enjoy. To be clear- this article is angled towards solving a controversial goal in carbon emissions reductions…

So if anything climate causes immediate mind closure, close the email and I’ll see you tomorrow.
But if you’re curious click away…

"How to drive fossil fuels out of the US economy, quickly"

Interestingly, the overall path seems to be to shift towards ‘electrification’ where there is evidently much more efficiency in electric motors and heaters.

I wouldn’t have necessarily thought electric heat would be more efficient than a natural gas furnace- but then again I do have a heat pump and it is very efficient. (Guess I never thought of it)

Anyways, here’s a truth I think we need to agree on no matter where we might stand on the climate question-

The US is rapidly shifting towards ‘renewables’ (wind, water, solar (WWS)) and the current tax laws provide significant incentives for both home and business owners to make their homes more energy efficient and add solar power systems.

That is a reality that has contributed to a rapid acceleration in the installation of rooftop solar and the industry is taking off. Some industry leaders at Solar Con 2023 this year suggested that a rooftop solar system was installed once every three minutes in 2022…

We are in the early adopter phase still and it is time to consider it now if solar is something that might make sense. Waiting for the tax incentives to die off probably won’t be the most wallet-friendly maneuver one could make… Just sayin.

If you are considering rooftop solar for your home or business, you might want to dig into my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get notified when it is released.

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