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Hurling Hippies

Internet trolls amuse me…

First, I must admit/acknowledge that the subject related to solar power are fairly politically charged- especially when the global warming part of the discussion is activated.

For some folks, there is a lot of emotions wrapped up in that discussion. I have my ideas on it (global warming) for sure, but that’s not the point to Tucson Solar Insider- so I tend to not touch on that subject much.

For me, Solar Power is very compelling because:

Operationally- Distributed power generation can reduce the load carried by the grid and raise the reliability of the entire grid as a whole.

Efficiency- generating power closer to where it is used decreases transmission losses.

Efficiency- Using otherwise wasted sunlight  allows a lower demand on the fossil fuels.

Independence- A home with a solar power system and a disconnect can operate independently from the power grid. If it has a battery, it might even be able to do it for extended periods with uninterrupted power.

Financial- Depending on the home orientation and power usage, a solar power system can ‘pay for itself’ in some number of years after which it produces essentially ‘free’ energy.

I think you might notice there’s not much there in the ‘global warming’ arena…

Combine that with the fact that I spent 32+ years in the nuclear power world and 30 Years in the Navy, I figure I rank pretty low on the ‘tree hugger’ scale.

That’s why I got a real chuckle when the other day when I got called a ‘Hippy’…

I was guilty, I guess… I suggested that a recent large ethanol spill as a result of a train derailment in Minnesota was yet another reason to look into reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

Soon as I did, in came the chest thumping early ancestor of Clevon himself hurling insults from behind the safety of the keyboard:

“shut the he** up hippy”

Hehe, classic. It was good I wasn’t trying to have a sip of my coffee when I saw that response- it would have been all over my keyboard.

I am sure Clevon’s great great grandpappy thinks he has the moral high ground, and honestly- that’s ok, solar power isn’t for everyone… it is an individual kind of thing.

If you are looking into solar for your home or business, don’t talk to the solar sales folks until you arm yourself with a good understanding- click here to get notified when I release Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar

Be Good!



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