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Lessons from Kyiv

The Ukrainian war, our involvement and/or support, and all of the political drama aside, the good citizens have been forced to deal with many power outages…

Here’s a short story that discusses a few observations from a local:

“Living in Kyiv amidst power blackouts- a few observations”

I bring this up to hopefully stimulate some thinking about our own preparedness for blackouts.

While the media seems to be doing its best to ‘them-ize’ everyone to stir up controversy and therefore views, I don’t foresee an armed conflict that impacts our power grid like Kyiv anytime in the immediately near future.

But I’m not Nostradamus either, so there’s that.

What I do see is many other possibilities. Tornados hit recently in places we don’t normally associate with them (Los Angeles? Really?). Winter storms in Texas. Flooding here in Arizona.

Climate activists, extremist groups, highly sophisticated Bond-villain like criminal activities all pose a very small but also very real potential causes for extended power outages.

But if power outage occurs, a home that has solar power and a disconnect from the power grid, can be able to have power during the day and if a battery is included- possibly power through the night.

Without the need for a loud and nasty gas-guzzling power generator to do it like many of the Kyiv businesses had to rely on.

All food for thought.

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