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When Misinfo Goes Local

We could go on for days talking about this subject I think… To sum up that entire discussion, here’s my thoughts.

-Misinfo does exist and does have an effect on the thoughts of the population

-Misinfo is actively used by many, intentionally, and for gain of influence or money (or both)

-Misinfo is also actively used/repeated by less informed participants in the public discussion (they’re kind of victims of their ignorance on a subject)

People relate to and make sense of the world around them through stories. This is extremely deep and powerful for those who understand it.

It is best illustrated via an example.

In the case of wind turbines, there are those ‘for it’ and those ‘against it’. The common story line for each:

For it- Wind is renewable, environmentally friendly (takes a small foot print), significantly reduces carbon emissions, and lowers overall costs of electricity

Against it- Turbines kill birds, spray oil all over the land, are loud, and cost more in carbon emissions to build so they’re not carbon free.

Depending on the story that resonates in someone’s mind will then dictate how they feel about it.

And, fortunately or unfortunately, the first story someone hears often takes hold- and keeps its position… very hard to replace a story once it has been adopted.

Big Influence knows this, which is why they scramble to get their ‘story’ out there and adopted as fast and frequently as possible. The quicker they can get their story installed, and the more that story can be repeated, the better.

So it goes with those wind turbines…

Legacy oil and gas has a financial interest in the proliferation of renewable power. The more we shift to water, wind, and solar- the more we shift away from oil and nat gas- meaning shutting down every possible renewable project becomes a financial priority for that industry.

Here’s one example of exactly what is going on all over the country (world?):

“Misinformation is derailing renewable energy projects across the United States”

There’s a link at the top to listen to the article which I found helpful.

There’s a battle to create a narrative in nearly every sector of our lives. Has been for longer than any of us has been alive. I dare say since before the beginning of recorded history…

It is who we are. And there’s no escaping it.

The only thing we can do is try to find as many of the stories on a subject that we can- which then gives us options for thinking differently…

Having options for thinking differently allows us to make a more complete understanding of a subject which makes us incredibly powerful in our decision making…

If you are looking into solar power for your home, might I suggest a few stories to help give you more options for thinking differently  so that you won’t get taken by the solar Sales Bros…

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