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3 Minutes

Well, according to the internet, anyways…


Solar power for homes has caught on. People all over the world are getting systems installed on their homes.


Supposedly, a new solar power system is installed on a home in the United States every 3 minutes (on average they say- as if to try to make the number more credible…)

I have no idea if that number is right or even close to right. My suspicion is numbers are always embellished or used with bias to try to tell a story in a certain way, so I am skeptical.


But I am not skeptical that more and more people, especially in Tucson, have been looking into getting solar for their home…


And rightly so because a well designed and installed solar power system can provide many benefits- including a significant reduction in power costs over the life of the system.


If you’re looking for more information about adding solar power to your home, you might want to hop on over and check out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here

Be Good!



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