From the Desk of
Commander Curtis
Retired Naval Officer | Tucson Home Owner | Solar Enthusiast
Frankly, I'm ashamed with the solar industry...
Tucson Deserves Better!
Hi all,
My name is Curtis.
I was born in Arizona and grew up in Tucson. After a few semesters at the U of A, I took a wild step and joined the Navy's Nuclear Power Program and embarked on what would become a 30+ year career.
I always looked back to Tucson as my home.
A short time ago my wife (The Admiral) and I returned to Tucson and managed to purchase a home not too far from my childhood home.
We were very happy and moved in essentially the same day we closed on the home...
Within no time (like two days) there was a knock at the door...
I'll spare all the drama and suspense- we were visited by solar and home security reps at our door nearly immediately upon moving in, and our mailbox was flooded with official looking envelopes marked 'urgent' and 'final notice'...
All just ads.
The mail gets put in the recycle without ceremony.
Door knockers- that's a different story...
Poor guys, they never knew what was in store for them!
You see, not only was I the Ship's Electrical Officer (ELECTRO) on the worlds finest nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS NIMITZ, I am also well studied in the world of marketing and sales...
These guys came to my door spewing all sorts of stuff. Some right/correct, I'll give them that- but...
Most of it was half-truths or even bald-faced lies
Those guys were ran off with their tail between their legs, but I was left with a sinking feeling...
I knew I needed to do something about this...
So I sat down and spoke with The Admiral and we both came to the conclusion:
Tucson Deserves Better!
And so... Tucson Solar Insider was born.
The Admiral and I invite you to take a look around the website and see what I've got cooked up for you...
If you are a Tucson home owner and/or you are just curious about home solar power in Tucson this is specifically for you...
Hop on over to the subscribe page and join me for daily news and insights into the solar industry specifically in Tucson.

Yes, I am aware that it is a bit 'wonky' to continue to use a military title (albeit one that I earned)...
But I think Commander Curtis has a certain ring to it... doesn't it?
Anyways- I hope your solar journey in Tucson is a good one... Everything I am doing with this newsletter and website is aimed at helping folks arm themselves with enough of the right knowledge so they don't get taken advantage of by those solar "sales professionals".
If you really are ready to have a conversation with a solar rep, make sure to download your copy of...
Tucson's only solar dedicated newsletter
Solar 'sales' sharks are worse than used car clowns. Tucson Deserves Better... Subscribe to the Tucson Solar Insider
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