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A Solar Survey

“Americans Love Solar and Want It on Their Roofs” is a recent article that shows the results of the first ever ‘Climate Poll’ done by HEATMAP.

While it makes me a bit sad that the poll results showed that a mere 32% of those participating would support a new nuclear power plant, I am happy to see solar on roof tops was welcomed the most at 86%.

Solar power farms (76%), wind turbines (72%), and geo-thermal plants (62%) were also seemingly well received.

One interesting tidbit-

Almost 1/2 of the respondents said they want solar on their rooftops in the future and 13% said they already have it.

Seems like solar is sweeping the nation if you ask me…


Of those who said they have solar already, 94% said the impact has been positive.

That means, to me, that there is very high satisfaction with properly designed and installed solar power systems.

My theory on the 6% is that they had a bad experience with either a Solar Sales Bro, Sleazy Lead Gen, an installation Hack, or less than impressive solar support from the company.

One more thing that stands out is that an alarmingly high percentage of folks didn’t understand the tax incentives- leaving a wide gap for the Solar Sales Bros to try and ply their tactics…

All things my book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar aims to help you avoid… Click here to get notified when I release it.

Be Good!



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