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"...a win for California's large electric utilities"?

Great article about a recent California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) denying approval of a proposal by Texas based solar company Sunnova regarding building of ‘micro grids’.

BLUF- looks like the proposal was turned down because of a lack of details rather than rejection of the idea, but this is a story on the internet so…

We’ve discussed the ‘grid’ before. It is large and unwieldy, with vulnerabilities.

A micro grid is a smaller network, or maybe even a small subsection of the larger grid- but one that potentially could isolate itself from the grid and be able to stand on its own.

Operationally and reliability speaking, this is a good idea. Having the ability to divorce from the grid and power itself adds an option if the main grid were to lose power.

It’s like adding solar with batteries and back up generators to a home, but on a slightly larger (like a neighborhood) scale. The solar with battery providing the 1st layer of protection and the back up generator the 2nd layer.

Awesome idea from an operational standpoint. Really good in the category of adding additional power sources to the grid, not to mention options for homeowners to decide where they’d like to get their energy from…

So, is it Government Over-reach or Over Zealous Solar Company…

You decide. (I am ever skeptical of profit-driven companies as well as regulation in the name of protecting consumers so I see both sides to this one).

“California Denies Bid from Home Solar Company to Sell Power as a ‘Mirco-Utility’

If you are looking into solar power for your home, might want to scope out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get notified when I release it.

Be Good!



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