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Are EV's actually more efficient?

I’ve been a fan of electric vehicles ever since I can remember…

I certainly came by it honestly. Pretty much every male in my family was a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) except for me (I went the ‘nuclear’ route and eventually became the Ship’s Electrical Officer on USS NIMITZ- I hope I’ve done my heritage proud…)

My dad, a life-long electrician with some machinist history, has been building things all his life. I grew up with him showing me all sorts of hobbies- elector sets, model rockets, model airplanes, wood working, all sorts of stuff.

He had me out ‘helping’ him work on cars as early as 5 years old. By the time I was in high school, he had walked me through an entire engine tear-down and rebuild- then turned me loose on a project of my own.

I’d like to say I did all the work on that old ’52 Ford, but he either guided me or did the work as we shoehorned a Chevy 350 into it. By the time we were done with that project, I was hooked on cars.

Soon after I joined the Navy and left, but not before he had started on an entirely new project…

On his own, in the late 80’s and first few years of the 90’s (like, nearly zero internet…) he researched, designed, sourced all the parts, built and tested, then registered and drove an electric truck.

I can’t link directly to the newspaper article because the Arizona Daily Star has a pay-wall for their archives but Pop was featured in a pretty large layout on November 19, 1995. The article by Sara Hammond was titled “Electric Truckin’” and it showcased how he designed, built, and actually drove the electric truck.

By this time I was in the Navy serving on the USS South Carolina and was stationed in Norfolk, Va- so I didn’t get a lot of ride time in the truck. But I still was fascinated by the sheer complexity of what he had accomplished.

Electric vehicles have come a very long way since those years. And, they’ve done it in the face of some very significant opposition from several industries and activist groups. The path has been tough, but at this stage, the EVs are incredibly more advanced and refined that I had ever imagined they could be.

This all brings me to my point about a common complaint I hear about EVs. Usually, it comes from folks who are busy trying to argue against ‘global warming’ and have decided they need to poo-poo EV’s in their greater efforts to ‘win’ that ‘discussion’.

The question is- Are EV’s actually more efficient than internal combustion engine (ICE) cars?

The answer is a resounding YES.

In a nutshell, a modern power plant that generates power from fuels is a highly tuned machine that has been designed to extract as much energy from the fuel (efficiency) as possible.

The very nature of the processes between a power plant and an internal combustion engine are entirely different:

ICE- creates mechanical movement using controlled ‘explosions’ that has zero use for the heat created by the burning of the fuel. The heat is wasted nearly entirely.
Power plants- burn the fuel to extract the heat (often boiling water to steam that then drives steam turbines).

The two processes couldn’t be more different, and as a result- one is significantly more efficient than the other. ICE cars simply use an incredibly inefficient process of converting fuel into useful energy.


A power plant is a complex machine that requires licensed operators and huge capital investments (very expensive). The operation, maintenance, and repair of power plants are very well funded and done by extremely talented/educated technicians.

A car? Well, they do require a drivers license, but those are for (trying to) make sure folks don’t run into and over each other as opposed to how to maintain the mechanical operations.

Ever been driving down the street behind a car ‘smoking’ so bad you felt like you just got hit by a James Bond style smokescreen? Those cars are burning oil which means they are even less efficient.

All told, EVs are incredibly more efficient… But, I’m a self-described enthusiast, so don’t take my word for it. In fact, I’ve simplified a lot of it, so maybe try this short discussion on Medium as well:

“I didn’t get truly excited about EVs until I learned this simple fact about fuel use in cars vs power plants”

So, for those social media characters who consistently get confused when they see my enthusiasm for EVs (and Solar) and attack me for being a ‘climate alarmist’…

Lol, ok.

Folks, if you are curious about rooftop solar but also keep getting drug into some sort of ‘climate discussion’, don’t fret. Rooftop solar is a viable and reliable option for a homeowner and with the tax credits, often an affordable option as well. I have a book coming that will help folks navigate the world of rooftop solar so they can get a system that fits their needs without getting scammed by the Sales Bros.

If you’re thinking about rooftop solar, I think you’ll dig it. Click here to be notified when I release Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar.

Be Good!


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