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Arizona: #3 for this, #38 for that...

Disclaimer- I am not a huge fan of SunPower such that I suggest anyone use them, but I do find their ‘Solar Energy Report’ quite interesting.

Some key take-aways for me in this report:

States producing the ‘most’ residential solar-

1- California (39.3%)
2- New York (6.1%)
3- Arizona (5.9%)

Makes sense to me, except for one thing-
Hawaii. Having lived there for 5+ years I am quite positive they have to be competing with California…

But, the 5.9% makes sense to me here in Arizona.

I sure think it could be more, and towards that end the data I have seen makes me believe that 2023 is on track for setting yet another record for solar installations.
Time will tell.

State average cost for electricity (average cents per kWh)

Arizona is #38 at 13.27
Hawaii- #1 at 45.69
California- #5 at 26.66

Makes sense why California is so high on the list of residential solar production (and supports my suspicion that Hawaii is probably there or even more than Cali)

There are several other areas that were interesting but for this discussion, the last one I would mention is the list raking states by how much money that could be saved by adding solar. The interesting thing to me is, Arizona isn’t even in the top 10.

Why is Arizona #3 for top producing states but the savings isn’t in the top 10? Makes one wonder…
I suspect it is a few things, but probably dominated by the fact that Arizona is a great sun-exposure location where people immediately associate ‘lots of sunlight’. I suspect there is also a factor where the sales efforts have been concentrated in those ‘lots of sunlight’ areas because solar companies perceive that ‘the sale will be easier’ where people can envision there being enough sunlight to power the solar systems.

Anyways, thought you might like this report.
What do you find interesting? Let me know.

Sunpower Solar Energy Report

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