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Do I need a Home Energy Audit?

The other day an article came out in the Arizona Daily Star that discussed an ambitious climate action plan by the City of Tucson called “Tucson Resilient Together”.

The article:

The plan has many aspects to it, but since I am a Tucson homeowner and solar enthusiast, the last section where it discusses the push to get more solar power around the city caught my eye.

Specifically, this comment caught my attention

It also urges the city to partner with the private sector to enact a home energy audit and retrofit program for residents, with a priority for low-income families and homeowners.”

I am not sure what they are referring to when they say ‘home energy audit’. It sounds like something where they consider all the energy a home uses and try to figure if there are any wasteful or inefficient things that can be repaired, upgraded, or replaced?

I do know that some of the solar sales teams attempt to invoke curiosity in homeowners by offering a ‘free in-home energy audit’ so they can get past the instant sales resistance most folks have when they are presented with an offer to have a ‘solar consultation’.

While I am not opposed to sales teams using that language, I do feel like it is a little misleading in that the true intent is to get homeowners to sit down and listen to a solar presentation.

In the case of the ‘home energy audit’ referenced in the article about Tucson Resilient Together I think it might be just a coincidence… 

One that we might see get capitalized upon by the solar sales teams that are paying attention to that article. I will not be surprised if we see (in mere days) new ads touting free ‘Tucson Resilient Together Home Energy Audits’...

Let’s watch together and see.

If you are interested in getting solar for your Tucson home, I am putting together the Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar. If that sounds like something you think could help you- click here to get on the notification list for when I (finally) release it.


Be Good!




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