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Don't forget to microwave your used solar panel...

Technology in the solar and wind world seems to be moving faster than I could have imagined.

We’ve already seen advancements in recycling technology for wind turbine blades and now more than 90% of wind turbines can be (and are) recycled.

Solar panels have come a long way, but there’s been an issue where the cost had remained high enough that making it profitable to recycle them difficult.

Well, a new company has a pending patent that will change all of that. This new technology is, well, not really new.

It is just using technology we’ve had sitting on our counter tops in nearly every home in the country…


The basics of recycling solar panels is the plastic coating on the glass. To remove it effectively, the panel needs to be heated to very high temperatures. And Heating them is costly.

That is, until this Aussie scientists got stuck into it…

Aussie scientists discover GAME CHANGING easy way to recycle solar panels

With this and other new technologies, solar panels are becoming more and more recyclable with each advancing year. A new solar panel today lasts 25+ years and will be completely recycled at the end of its useful life- and remade into new panels that will likely well out perform those of today.

Pretty exciting news if you ask me…

If you are looking into rooftop solar for your home or business, I have a book coming soon. Click here to be notified when Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar is released.

Be Good!

Curtis McNeil, President
Tucson Solar Insider LLC


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