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New Tucson Solar Sales Tactic?

Several days ago the Admiral and I were in an orange colored big box home improvement store where I came across something I had not seen before.


Ever go into Costco and see the heating/air conditioning or the solar sales stand? It has a little display and someone standing there trying to talk to everyone who goes by…


Kind of cool if you ask me, I mean at least they are in a commercial public space and they don’t chase you or intrude into your home privacy. If I am interested, I can stop and talk. If not, I keep walking.


Well, that wasn’t this…


The Admiral and I were rolling through Big Orange looking for some specific items for the home (new deadbolts, some sealant, some gardening stuff) when I noticed them…


We had stopped at the clearance item end-cap and across the main aisle were another couple shopping that were approached by a woman with a dude in tow.


The expression on her face told me immediately she was ‘doing sales’- you know… that overly excited and animated face sales folks get when they are trying to sell something.


Sure enough, she peppered them with questions about solar as she dragged her companion along and followed the couple. The couple provided some form of answer, I didn’t hear what they said, but I knew we were next in line…


Sure enough, as soon as Roaming Solar Sales Lady determined the couple wasn’t a prospect, she turned her attention to the Admiral and I.


We had already started walking towards our next items when she turned to us and tried to ask us about solar. Maybe I’m kind of a bonehead about this kind of thing but I just stated ‘not interested’ and kept walking…


Roaming Solar Sales Lady was lucky the Admiral was there because her response to my ‘not interested’ was to keep following us and ask ‘why not?’.


I’m not accustomed to being questioned in a condescending way that sets the assumption up that I owe anyone an explanation about why I may or may not be interested in something- especially strangers. 

Especially strangers following me in a public space.


I was polite and answered the first question- ‘not interested’. I feel no responsibility or obligation to explain myself. How do you feel in these situations?


Anyways, I bit my tongue long enough for the Admiral to insert herself into the situation by repeating ‘we’re not interested’ or something like that which got the heat seeking missile sales lady off our trail (and immediately locked onto the next customer in view).


So there it is. Is there a new solar company partnered with Big Orange like there are with Costco? Does Big Orange know these people are following and pestering their customers? Makes me wonder.


It is sales tactics like these that made me realize that Tucson deserves better from the solar industry. That’s why I created Tucson Solar Insider. 


If you are looking into solar power for your Tucson home, you might want to check out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get on the notification list when it comes out.


Be Good!



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