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Tales from the Sales-Dojo #4

"Nothing Wrong With Double Dipping"

Tales from the sales dojo #4

“Nothing Wrong With Double Dipping”

This episode of tales from the sales dojo is brought to you by “I’ve made good money from add-ons” guy…

A very good question was posed in one of the sales training groups about how to handle/discuss the following statement a new homeowner might make:

I want to wait a year to see what my yearly usage looks like before I commit to solar

On the surface, this seems like a pretty good thought process and I’d not challenge it too much myself, except there are a few nuances I would want to make sure the homeowner knew about.

To me, wanting to see what the bills are makes 100% sense because why go though with all the headaches of committing to solar and exposing myself to problems if the bills weren’t going to be that big anyways. Right?

Well, sort of…

Because the new homeowner might be able to contact the power company and get an estimate of what that home used over the last year- and that data might clue in how much those bills were.

If the homeowner definitely wants solar, waiting a year to get the exact size right might also make sense- but even then it will be an estimate because things do change (add electric car, people move in/move out, etc.) And, there are some calculators out there that might help get a fairly accurate estimate.

Waiting a year means paying for the power from the utility, not putting that payment into the equity of the solar power system so it kind of means missing out on a year’s worth of equity.

Anyways, that’s my (and several of the Solar Sales Pros) take on it.

But, there’s always a Sales Bro hanging around to throw their obnoxious ideas into the mix. And this one didn’t disappoint…

Paraphrased, this guy’s idea is to tell the homeowner to hurry up and get a small system now ‘so they can start saving’ and then add to it later when they know their demand.

The Pros picked him apart, telling him he is the reason solar companies have a bad name- he defended:

“I’ve made good money with add-ons. Nothing wrong with double dipping”.

Hehe, what a donkey.

If you are looking into solar for your home and want to avoid the braying donkey Sales Bros, you might want to get on the notification list for when I release Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- a book I am developing to arm you with all you need to keep them at bay.

Be Good!



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