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Permit Poaching Solar Sales Bros

I go on tangents talking about the Solar Sales Bros often…

The reason is simple, solar technology has advanced to a point where it is viable, reliable, and in many cases affordable.

But the nefarious tactics of the Lead Gen and slimy sales tactics of the Solar Sales Bros has infected the marketplace and jaded many an opinion of otherwise interested home (or business) owners.

Today’s rant is brought to you by the:

Permit Poaching Solar Sales Bro

An especially underhanded practitioner of trashy tactics, this guy appears to be monitoring the county website for permits that are issued to honest homeowners who have hooked up with high integrity solar companies- and then trying to contact the homeowner with seedy worded promises…

While in a solar professional group, someone came along and posted a couple of photos of the ‘package’ this Permit Poacher dropped off.

Apparently, on the day of the install, they found an envelope on the ground with a letter and a dollar bill in it. Paraphrased, the letter said:

If your solar panels are not installed you still have time to save THOUSANDS! Get a second quote by calling me today. Many (city) companies charge extreme amounts for solar panels. Give me a call to guarantee you are getting the best price for your purchase.

(It then goes into some benefits and then finishes with)

Before you call, please have. Your previous Solar offer / paperwork available. This way you can easily answer my 3 questions to save thousands.

I could share his name and the company he is with. But that’s not the important part of this issue…

The important thing here is to know and be prepared for the Permit Poaching Sales Bro. This guy is monitoring city hall or wherever the permits are gotten- and approaching customers directly with promises of saving thousands.

When I saw this, I thought that this guy probably is trying to undercut the bid by using inferior equipment. I mean, how else could he offer to ‘save thousands’? (The truth is there’s a few ways that truly despicable like simply installing fewer panels than promised, or worse.)

My curiosity got the best of me and I ventured on over to Permit Poacher’s website and found…

Yup- they’re pushing really low quality/low cost panels and equipment.

Just remember, if a person is willing to poach sales via recently pulled permits- what else is this person willing to do? What other shortcuts are they likely to take? Where will their boundaries be when faced with moral dilemmas?

I really feel like ‘outing’ the solar company and the Permit Poacher, but I’ve been told that supposedly the company (a national operator) is actually a ‘good’ one and that the bad actions of this one shouldn’t be an indication of the company.

Basically, the suggestion is this guy is using this tactic to drum up leads for himself, not that this is something the company taught or advocates.

This happened in Texas, not Tucson or even in Arizona and I don’t see a heavy presence of the company here in Tucson. But now we are aware of the Permit Poaching Sales Bro, so we’ll be prepared.

If you are looking into solar for your home, I think you’ll really dig the Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- a book I will release soon that aims to help homeowners figure all this ‘solar stuff’ out.

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