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Sales Pro? or Sales Bro...

Pardon me while I just speak my mind for a moment. I actually love sales when Sales Pros are involved, but I’m aggressively ‘not o.k.’ with Sales Bros.


There are good and bad actors in every industry and in sales it seems to kind of exaggerate both extremes.


On the far reaches we have the ‘Sales Pros’ on one side (ethical) and the equally extreme but opposite side (unethical) we have the ‘Sales Bros’.


Sales Pros- 

  • Have a product or service that genuinely serves/helps certain people. 
  • Are concerned about people and are motivated to help them.
  • Approach potential customers with a curiosity regarding their situation, if they can be helped, and if they are a good match for the product/service.
  • Understand that potential customers who truly need the product or service might not fully appreciate their situation and need help viewing things from different angles.
  • Constantly study their industry and product so that they can understand how best to help their clients. 
  • Practice and hone their listening and communication skills so they can help their customers discover what problems they might have and possible solutions.
  • Have an internal code of integrity that they won’t break for anyone or anything- especially money.
  • Respect and appreciate their customers.


Sales Bros-

  • May or may not have a product or service that actually helps, the only concern is ‘can it be sold’ and ‘how much commission’ can be made- and they strive to ‘sell’ it to everyone regardless of their need for it.
  • Are concerned about themselves and how much commission they can make.
  • Approach potential customers with a curiosity about their ability to purchase. (Do they make enough money? etc.)
  • Understand that all potential customers have ‘sales resistance’ and give ‘objections’ that can be solved with the right words and phrases.
  • Constantly search for ways to upsell or otherwise maximize the amount of sales, and therefore commissions, that can be made.
  • Relentlessly practice their word tracks, phrases, and especially objection handling techniques with other Sales Bros.
  • Have an internal drive for commissions/money. Many seek the ‘prestige’ of being a top performer.
  • Bemoan and mock their customers amongst themselves while sharing ‘tricks’ about how to ‘win’ with the ‘prospect’.


I feel like I have to highlight that good honest people in the world of sales help their customers with honesty and integrity every day…


Not all sales folks are ‘sales bros’ who are out to get as much as possible regardless the customer’s need or the depths of depravity needed to get it.


The few bad ones truly skew it for the good ones.


If you’re looking for more information about adding solar power to your home, you might want to hop on over and check out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- It arms you with the knowledge you need to be able to find a Solar Sales Pro (and it will almost like you had an extra-strength can of ‘sales-bro-be-gone’ spray- click here to get on the notification list.


Be Good!



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