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Size Really Does Matter

When it comes to solar panels there are many factors that need to be considered before deciding on which ones to buy.


Actually, the entire design of the solar array depends on just a few things, and the size of the solar panels can be a significant factor.


Here’s what I mean.


The maximum output of any solar system will be limited by the size of the area we can place our solar panels. More surface area to capture direct sunlight, more power producing capacity.


Everyone seems to catch onto the idea that some solar panels can produce more electricity per square foot than others- leading to the idea of getting higher output panels.


Higher efficiency panels come to mind too- seems the industry is hovering around just below 25% conversion efficiency and getting better. 


But something to consider even before that is how to utilize the space available on the roof in a tetris sort of way. 


Every roof is wildly different with vents, penetrations, air conditioning units, maybe windows… all sorts of stuff. And the location of those items is random such that there is rarely a huge rectangular area that faces the south all neatly in one spot.


To get the most out of the available space, the panels need to cover most of that area. But the problem is not all panels can fit neatly into the random dimensions of that available space. 


If the area I had available were 15 feet long I could fit:


15 1ft panels (zero space unused)

1 15ft panels (zero space unused)

2 6ft panels (3 ft unused)

3 4ft panels (3 ft unused)

3 5ft panels (zero space unused)


So, as you can see, we have to play a little tetris sort of game to figure out how to maximize filling in the available space with panels as a part of designing the solar power system.


Once you know the optimal dimensions of the panels you need to get the optimal coverage of the space available then you can start searching for the right panels from a performance, output, reliability, warranty, cost, availability, and other factors.


If you’re looking into solar for your home and don’t want to have to scour the internet for answers to your questions -or- not sure what questions to ask in the first place, you might want to check out my upcoming Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get on the notification list so you can grab a copy when I release it.


Be Good!



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