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Sorry, looks like our meter hasn’t read correctly for years…

Not TEP, Southwest Gas, or the water/sewer guys, but this is a real story about a real water and sewer bill from a real US based water and sewer authority that was over Six Thousand Dollars!

More or less the gist of the story?

Oops, our bad… the meter wasn’t working right all this time so yeah… gonna need $6k bro.

Pretty much on valentines day, too. 

Check out all the ‘lovely’ details here:

Now, why did I highlight and share this month-old story today? Because we are all stuck with one company for electricity and we are subject to them, with no choice and few options to limit our exposure to their shenanigans.

One possible way to reduce exposure to TEP is going solar. We will NEVER get entirely away from TEP. There will always be a bill because of the connection and metering fees…

But, if we can find a way to get the right solar power system installed that meets most of our demands, we can limit how much power we pull from TEP. 


For those aggressive folks, adding a battery system and an automatic disconnect switch, it might be possible to operate completely off grid (but that system would be more expensive due to the batteries)- remember this would still have that minimal charge from TEP…

I guess the moral of the story, for me, is we need to keep an eye on our utility bills a bit better.

If you want to explore solar for your Tucson home, I think my upcoming book will help incredibly well. Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar will be released soon- click here to get on the notification list.


Be Good!



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