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Tales from the Sales-Dojo #2

Wow. I am speechless. 


Well, we all know by now that I’m not actually speechless, but…


This story is a good one so let’s just jump right into it.


A supposedly ‘new’ sales bro jumped into the deep end with a very polarizing question about “dealer fees”.


He explained that his customer had gone through all of the loan documentation and asked what dealer fees are. Evidently he told the customer he didn’t know and would get back to him.


When he went to his manager (he says), he was told something along the lines of ‘ain’t nobody out here working for free, now get back out there and knock on more doors’.


The original poster also made a comment about how he always shares what his commission would be so that he could be as transparent with the customer as possible.


The response from the sales dojo was immediately polarized between the Sales Pros and the Sales Bros with the first response a very inflammatory rant/post from either a Sales Bro or an epic troll…


Paraphrased- you never tell the customer about the dealer fee. They should never find out about it. If they do, lie.  NEVER tell the customer what your commission is… If they ask, say 500 bucks. 


Another Sales Bro chimed in with something along the lines of- if the contract is signed, I wouldn’t even answer the question. And that- it’s not even a real objection.


The Sales Pros rallied in to point out and criticize the obvious low class answers and provide some realistic answers as to what dealer fees are, how to discuss them with customers, and they provided some advice regarding the OP getting more educated and possibly seeking a new manager with the company they worked at.


The post got over 75 responses in less than 8 hours and got heated enough between the Sales Pros and Bros that several of the more inflammatory suggestions got deleted… Good thing I was watching the exchange so I could share it to provide insight into how a few Sales Bros think…


To be clear- the Sales Pros won the battle of the thread and the Bros were shut down. Win for us.


Dealer fee- I think the best way to describe what this is might be to draw a bit of a parallel with what happens when you buy a home. When you get a mortgage, there is typically an ‘origination fee’ that is charged by the lender- the dealer fee is similar.



Sometimes there is an option to pay a higher dealer fee to get a lower interest rate- kind of like paying ‘points’ to get a lower rate on the mortgage. (kind of, that is not an entirely complete analogy).


If you’re looking for more information about adding solar power to your home, you might want to hop on over and check out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here


Be Good!



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