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Tales from the Sales-Dojo #5 - The Insidious Spammer

Tales from the Sales Dojo #5
The Insidious Spammer

Came across a one post that I just had to share because it is shocking as it is illuminating.

The original post in one of the sales groups was honest enough, the poster was asking how to handle an objection they had recently faced:

“I’m retired, I’ve got all the time in the world. You are company 1… I’m going to shop around with 5 other options”

Now, the responses were all pretty good, honest, and high integrity type answers such as making sure to keep the homeowner’s interest front and center, to offer to help review the other offers, and maybe request the opportunity to meet or beat other offers once the homeowner had several offers.

That is, until the Insidious Spammer came along…
(To be clear- this is NOT the norm, this guy was ridiculed by the sales pros and may have even been kicked out of the group).

His answer?

“Send His number offshore agents to go into 100 life insurance request sites 100% do not pass go.”

This clown’s idea of a response to a homeowner wanting to get several quotes to make sure they are getting the right system at the right price was to…

Pay overseas ‘agents’ (scammers) to falsely sign the homeowner up with a bunch of life insurance agents so that the guy would get pounded with all those agencies calling him.

I haven’t seen that level of insidious behavior and I half-suspect it was just a troll post. But still, pretty illuminating what can be found in today’s ‘business’ world…

If you are looking into rooftop solar for your home or business, don’t despair- these ‘Sales Bros’ aren’t the norm. They are the exception.

Still though, if you are looking into it, I think my upcoming book will be of good help/service in preparing you for that journey with the solar companies and their sales teams.

Click here if you want to be notified when I release Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar

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