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The 'Secret Plan'

A brand new advertisement has shown up in my YT feed.

A real classic.

If you’ve been reading anything I’ve put out, you probably already are well aware that I really don’t like the bait and switch bah-loh-ney junk the lead generation ‘companies’ put out there.

It is sloppy negligence at best and outright fraudulent at worst.

Not sure where each of them land, but I have my suspicions…

Anyways, the newest gem from the horde of low-class numskulls is a real doozy.

Seriously, how could they possibly think anyone would fall for this?

(Actually, I think it gives us a real indication of how they think about their target audience…)

Anyways, the ad (paraphrased) goes directly into a ‘conspiracy theory’ and states matter-of-factly that there is a ‘Secret Plan’ in place to ‘force everyone’ to get solar for their home ‘by May 21st’.

Then the ad goes on to suggest that since that ‘secret plan’ is in place- everyone will have to pay higher prices when the deadline comes, so here they are to save us money by helping us get solar before the rush.

A rush supposedly locked in to start by May 21st because of the ‘secret plan’…

I don’t think I know ANYONE who would fall for that nonsense, but there is someone somewhere pumping cash into an advertising account to get that video on YT feeds…

These lead gen ‘companies’ are fantastically dull (or spectacularly nefarious)- either way, it pollutes the industry by delivering such a horrible experience to so many people who would otherwise be possibly interested in solar for their home.

It is no wonder that the other day a random poster commented on a post I made on social media that ‘solar is a scam’…

How can I argue it isn’t when these sorts of ‘ads’ show up in everyone’s feed?

Actually, this is the exact reason I started Tucson Solar Insider. This is exactly what I mean when I say Tucson deserves better from the solar industry. Most of the malignancy is festering in the lead generation side of things (but there is some in the sales section as well…)

Anyways, enough rambling.

If you are looking into getting solar for your home, I think you might dig my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get notified when I release it

Be Good!



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