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The Skinny on Tucson Solar Incentives

Going Solar” has a lot of advantages and benefits…


For many, the idea of doing their part to help combat climate change by reducing their carbon footprint is front and center. 


Others like the idea of energy independence and seek to become as self-sufficient as possible.


Some might even be motivated by the idea of using the free and abundant sunshine Tucson has to offer- therefore leaving other resources more available for other uses. (not quite a greenhouse gas approach, but a wise use of resources concept).


I imagine that most Tucson homeowners are like me in that I appreciate (and motivated by) all of the above concepts, but…


The cost of electricity is a nagging concern that never ends. The Admiral and I are constantly looking for ways to minimize our electric bill and get more efficient. 


That said, the cost of installing solar on a home is daunting for most of us. The equipment is expensive and the labor to install it isn’t cheap either.


The good news is that the Federal, State, and local governments see advantages to homeowners installing solar power for their homes and so there are several incentives in place to help encourage homeowners to install solar on their homes.


In Tucson, specifically, there are only a few (but significant) incentives.


  1. Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)- available to not only homeowners but businesses as well, the ITC is a tax credit of up to 30% of the system cost that is applied to your tax at the end of the year. 
  2. Arizona State- offers an individual tax credit of 25% of the cost on the installation of a solar energy system, capped at $1,000. Like the federal ITC, it is a tax credit applied at the end of the year.
  3. Arizona State- a property tax exemption that basically says that if the installation of the solar system causes the value of the home to go up, the property tax on the home cannot go up based on that portion of the homes value.


There are currently no incentives from TEP to install solar power systems on homes.


Folks, these tax incentives aren’t straightforward like the solar sales bros will attempt to make them. Make sure you consult your tax advisor so you know exactly what your situation is with regards to these incentives.


Contrary to what many lead gen and sales bros claim- it isn’t simply a check you’ll get at some point, but…


They are genuine incentives that can have a significant impact on the overall cost(s) of installing a solar system on your home.


If you’re looking for more information about adding solar power to your home, you might want to hop on over and check out my upcoming book Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here


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