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The Solar Gold Rush

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):

Solar power for homes, businesses, and even power companies is sweeping the country (world, actually) and there is a sort of gold-rush kind of mentality going on.

The simple fact is that solar power technology has progressed to the point that makes having a home or business solar power system installed not only ‘affordable’ but a true opportunity for real cost savings.

People across the country are waking up to this and are making purchases at both record pace AND increasing.

Solar companies are springing up like Sonoran desert wildflowers in April. In Pima County alone there have been 9 companies with ‘solar’ in their name registered in the first 3 months of 2023 (including Tucson Solar Insider LLC).

For Arizona state wide? Eighty-Two (82) companies have filed articles of organization since January 1st 2023.

There’s a gold-rush in solar going on right now…

While I’ve started Tucson Solar Insider LLC as a vehicle to help Tucson home owners make sense of the solar industry, most of the businesses are started to sell or install solar. Some are marketing businesses, some are lead gen outfits, installers, EPC’s, etc.

As with any sudden gold-rush type opportunity, the solar industry wild growth has attracted the honest and dishonest operators alike. The fear of missing out on the opportunity to make money is a siren song to those with less integrity and as a result, we need to arm ourselves with as much info and knowledge as possible to protect ourselves.

At risk of sounding like a broken record, I don’t sell solar…

I started this little labor of love- Tucson Solar Insider as a way to provide a beacon of light for Tucson homeowners to navigate the rough, choppy, and dangerous waters along the solar shoreline…

If you are looking into getting solar power for your home or business, click here to get on the notification list for my upcoming book dedicated to helping Tucson homeowners understand solar before they speak with solar sales companies.

Be Good!



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