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Tucson Beach Front Property For Sale

I guess it is a good thing that I enjoy taking a look at what the advertisers on the internet are doing, I get a kick out of the shameless bah-loh-ney they pump out there…


Today’s offer?


Beach Front Property in Tucson!


(yes, I am being sarcastic… there’s no such thing as beach front property in Tucson, so it can’t be for sale)


The solar ad that I am talking about today, incredibly, promises that up to 100% of the cost of a solar system can be paid by a ‘new program’.


Let’s dive in, shall we?


To get everyone on the same page, this is a lead generation company that probably advertises everywhere they can, but in this case it is an advertisement on the E-edition of the Arizona Daily Star. So it’s right here in Tucson they are targeting folks…


If you didn’t know what a ‘lead gen’ outfit is- they are groups of folks that use media like the internet, tv, radio, or anywhere else they can get cheap advertising that aims to gather the names and information of potential customers (leads) and then sell that information to companies who want to sell things.


In this case, solar companies (local or national, no matter) pay these lead gen companies for the names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. of people who have expressed some interest in solar for their home.


It is often the case that the lead gen company will attempt to sell that same lead to as many companies as they can… They squeeze that ‘data’ (your name and number and address) for as much money as possible.


Not always, but often, a lead gen company will make up any story, tale, promise, insinuation, and even outright lie…


Just to get a name and number so they can sell and resell the ‘lead’.


I don’t mean to insult anyone’s intelligence, I am sure most of you are at least aware of these practices. But some aren’t, and it can be helpful to see behind the curtains sometimes…


Ok. The ad. 


First, the title:


“New Program Gives Homeowners Solar Panels and Battery For Little To No Cost“

Hehe, does that make ANY sense to anyone?


1st, there isn’t a ‘new’ program… the tax incentives in the federal and state laws have been here. The federal incentives were reinstated and last for several years- no urgency there and no threat on the horizon for the state incentives (in Az).

2nd, the incentive programs might cover up to like maybe 30% of the cost of a system on the federal side and is capped at up to 1000 bucks on the state side.


That’s nowhere near 100% of the cost of a solar system.



“Homeowners in qualified zip codes are taking advantage of $1,000’s of dollars in benefits that can cover 100% of the costs related to new solar panel installation projects.“

Doubling down on the 100% of the costs of the new solar power system they add the tricky little question of ‘qualified zip codes’...

A play straight out of ‘tricky sales 101’, they pump the reader with a huge curiosity spiking assertion that can drive response through the roof. 

I want a 100% free solar system! Oh, but those are only available in QUALIFIED zip codes? Does my zip code qualify? Grrr! I gotta find out! Lemmie click this link (after all… its easy to click a link, they even say its easy…).

Once you click the link, it goes into pure info collection mode. The system already records your ip address (and possibly much more info about you- technology is far more advanced than you might suspect) and they they take you through several questions to make it seem like they ‘care about your situation’ but is really aimed at gathering a clump of related information that they can then sell to a solar company.


Rest assured that if you put your phone number in there, you will be getting at call from at least one solar company with in a very short period of time. 


Like that day, if not that hour.

Then, don’t be surprised if you get other companies calling over the next several weeks or months as your info (lead data) ages and moves from ‘fresh’ to ‘aged’ and gets resold at a discounted price to other companies.


Oh, if you didn’t know…


There are companies that specialize in buying ‘aged’ leads in bulk at discounted prices and feed them to outbound call centers that employ english speaking people with auto dialers that hammer out 500 or more dials a day.

If they get someone on the line, they don’t try to sell usually- they do a live transfer to their customers (like a solar company) and then the sales start to happen.

Anyways, I imagine youse guys are well aware of all this and I’m just preaching to the choir… But if not- think twice before ever using  your actual phone number or address in any of those lead gen ads.


I think Tucson deserves better. In fact, I know we do. That’s why I’m creating the Tucson Solar Insider Desk Guide for Buying Solar- click here to get on the notification list.


Be Good!



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